JT’s New Music Reviews: Week of Nov. 4, 2022 - Crystal Starr "Heart Failure"
“Heart Failure, Vol. 3” by Crystal Starr featured Mr. Robotic
Jake’s Take friend Crystal Starr released a new single: “Heart Failure, Vol.3.” Crystal co-wrote the track with Keith Harris, Renard Hughes, Jr., and Marcas Harris, while both Keith Harris and Renard Hughes worked on the production. The song has shades of Demi Lovato’s “Cool for the Summer” and Mariah Carey’s “It’s Like That.” At times, Mr. Robotic’s rap solos were reminiscent of Kendrick Lamar’s quicksilver abilities. Crystal hit a home run with this tune, and I hope that “Heart Failure, Vol. 3” is picked up on more playlists. A